If you have ever thought about traveling to Spain, perhaps one of your questions was whether you need to open a bank account or not. In case to come as a tourist you will surely be able to continue using the cards of your country’s accounts. If your intention is to spend more time in Spain or buy an apartment or house then you will need a bank account imminently and here we are to help you.
When a foreigner wants to open a bank account, the legislation of this country distinguishes between resident foreigners, who have a residence permit in Spain; and non-resident foreigners.
Necessary documents to open a bank account:
- In both cases you will need a NIE (Foreigner Identification Number) and a passport to confirm your identity.
- The tax declaration documents in the country of origin will be necessary.
- Proof of monthly income or a document proving your employment status.
- Address of domicile abroad, telephone and contact email.
In principle, these documents would be enough to open the bank account. Banks are obviously businesses, they charge commissions, it is not a secret for anyone, so if you buy a home they will demand to do home insurance with them. This might seem like a tie but in reality you will see it as a benefit, home insurance is always recommended, it takes away a lot of headaches.
If you need more information or help to open the bank account, contact with us! We work with many spanish banks that have very good contracting conditions. We can open a bank account even by power of attorney, you do not have to come to Spain.